Friday 10th May 2024: Obelisk and Shrub Support
Friday 15th November 2024: Obelisks and Bird Feeders
Friday 19th April 2024: Fruit Bowl Basket
Friday 21st June 2024: Flower Trug
Friday 22nd November 2024: Berry Basket
Friday 26th April: 2024 Bee Sculpture
Friday 27th September 2024: Random Weave Basket
Friday 29th November 2024: Trophy Reindeer
Friday 4th October 2024: Asymmetric Round Basket
Friday 6th December 2024: Festive Wreath
Saturday 11th May 2024: Obelisk and Shrub Support
Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th May (2 day course): Oval Basket